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Cat Tales from Sharp Animal Hospital in Fraser Michigan

By June 14, 2012 July 12th, 2012 Uncategorized

Since it’s Adopt a Cat Month, I thought I would explain how Felix and Spaz were adopted by Sharp Animal Hospital.

Felix was our daughter’s cat.  Six years ago, when she could no longer care for him, Dr. Sharp mentioned that he would like to take him.  Our previous hospital cat, Clark had passed away from old age two months earlier.  Felix resembled Clark so much that we fell in love with him.  Personality wise he is nothing like Clark.  Felix can be a bit sassy at times.  You will usually see him lollygagging around the reception area or trying to make friends with anyone he can.

Originally, Spaz was called Lucky.   On Labor Day weekend 2009, Spaz was found up north at Dr. Sharp’s in-laws cottage.  Spaz was just a baby kitten about 12 weeks old and very ill with an upper respiratory infection.  With the cold months ahead, the Doc knew the poor little kitten wouldn’t survive unless he was rescued.  So he brought the cute gray male kitten with golden eyes to the office for treatment. It took a few weeks before Spaz was nursed back to good health by our wonderful technicians.  Spaz has been with us for about 3 years now.  Personality wise he is very friendly and active.  He loves to hang around, especially if you have food.

Both of them are very lucky to have attention all day long, food and shelter.

This month, share your adopted cat stories on our facebook page.