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Come and visit Dr. Marj Field our Visiting Veterinarian

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Dr. Marj Field is our visiting veterinarian at Sharp Animal Hospital.  Dr. Field graduated from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1990 and continues to enjoy her career in veterinary medicine.  Dr. Field has advanced training in soft tissue surgeries, orthopedic surgeries, endoscopy, ultrasound, laser surgery, stem cell therapy, reptile medicine and avian medicine.  Dr. Field is certified in laser surgery & stem cell therapy.

Dr. Field is owner of Furever Friends Veterinary Services, I travel to different clinics to do advanced surgeries or fill in for a veterinarian on vacation.”  Dr. Field can usually be found at Sharp Animal Hospital on Tuesdays.

Dr. Field

Barn Life, Not For This Cat!

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I would like to share a true story about a cat that is now living a very plush and comfortable life.

One of our clients, who I will call Mrs. P., often visited a horse farm where her daughter took riding lessons.  As we know, most barns usually attract cats and mice.  One afternoon as her daughter was having a lesson Mrs. P. noticed a beautifully stripped cat with a white fur collar that was limping.  Mrs. P. and her daughter were very concerned and brought the cat to Sharp Animal Hospital for an exam.  During the exam they were informed by the doctor that the cat had a fractured right front paw and to their surprise, she was also expecting.  The winter months were approaching fast and Mrs. P. was afraid for the limping, expecting critter.  The barn owner agreed to let Mrs. P. and her daughter care for the cat until spring.

It takes about 63 days for cats to have kittens.  During late winter the cat delivered 2 beautiful kittens.  Unfortunately, one of the kittens didn’t survive.  Mrs. P. and her daughter decided to name the new mother Ma Ma Cat.  They also named her one baby kitten, Baby Cat.

In the spring it was apparent that MaMa Cat had no desire to return to barn living.  The barn owner understood and was glad to hear that the new mother and kitten were healthy.  Mrs. P. and her daughter are so glad to have MaMa Cat and Baby Cat as part of their family.  MaMa Cat and Baby are also purr-fectly happy lying around in their warm furry bed.

Recently, 15 year old MaMa Cat came to our office for an exam because of a swollen eye.  After a thorough examination it was determined that it was a tooth abscess creating pressure on her eye and surrounding structures.  The following day the dental surgery was performed on MaMa Cat.  She is now much more comfortable and excited to go back home and relax in her furry bed with her baby.

Halloween Pet Costume Contest on Sharp Animal Hospital’s Facebook Page-Michigan

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Attention All Pet Halloween Enthusiasts!

Enter your pet for a chance to win a $75.00 gift certificate.

Our Facebook Halloween Pet Photo Contest will begin on October 10, 2012 and end on November 1, 2012 at midnight.

The following rule applies to all entries: Pets must be photographed in a costume.

To enter, upload your pet’s photo to our facebook page, email your photo to us or we can take your pet’s photo at our office and upload it for you. The winner will be determined by the pet with the most likes on our facebook page. The sooner you get your pet’s photo posted, the better chance you’ll have to earn more likes.

The winner will be announced on November 2, 2012. The winner will receive a $75.00 gift certificate to Sharp Animal Hospital for any service.

Like us on facebook and vote!

Good Luck!

The Doctors and Staff at Sharp Animal Hospital


Diagnosis of a Sick Feline-Sharp Animal Hospital

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Sophie is a 7 year old female spayed feline who came to visit Sharp Animal Hospital because she was showing signs of weight loss, yet she had an increased ravenous appetite.  The owner mentioned that she was even sneaking up onto the counter tops to steal food and she was very needy and clingy.  Due to the clinical symptoms Sophie was having, Dr. Malarney recommended blood work and urine testing to be sent out to the lab for analysis to investigate for possible thyroid, kidney, liver, pancreatic or neoplastic disease.

When the results came back, thyroid values were normal, so hyperthyroidism was ruled out.  However, the chemistry panel did show high normal kidney values, but not to the level that would normally cause the amount of weight loss that was being seen with Sophie.  One pancreatic value called amylase was found to be moderately elevated while another pancreatic value called lipase was normal.  Since the clinical symptoms and testing results did not fit well with any one condition, further testing was advised.  These included abdominal radiographs, an in-depth pancreatic profile, and possible referral for abdominal ultrasound.

The owners agreed to do the in depth pancreatic testing.  The results showed that the PLI was normal.  This meant Sophie was not suffering from chronic pancreatitis. Other testing showed cobalamin (vitamin B12) was extremely low and folate was normal.  The TLI results, which were very low, indicated that Sophie was suffering from a condition known as (EPI) Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency.  EPI is a condition where the pancreas is not making proper pancreatic digestive enzymes and can lead to chronic diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.

The treatment for this condition involves lifelong supplementation with pancreatic enzymes.  We are using a product called Pancreazyme for Sophie.  We are also giving B12 injections due to the low cobalamin.

The owner’s currently have Sophie on these treatments and we will be monitoring her response to therapy with recheck blood work in 8 weeks.


Cat Tales from Sharp Animal Hospital in Fraser Michigan

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Since it’s Adopt a Cat Month, I thought I would explain how Felix and Spaz were adopted by Sharp Animal Hospital.

Felix was our daughter’s cat.  Six years ago, when she could no longer care for him, Dr. Sharp mentioned that he would like to take him.  Our previous hospital cat, Clark had passed away from old age two months earlier.  Felix resembled Clark so much that we fell in love with him.  Personality wise he is nothing like Clark.  Felix can be a bit sassy at times.  You will usually see him lollygagging around the reception area or trying to make friends with anyone he can.

Originally, Spaz was called Lucky.   On Labor Day weekend 2009, Spaz was found up north at Dr. Sharp’s in-laws cottage.  Spaz was just a baby kitten about 12 weeks old and very ill with an upper respiratory infection.  With the cold months ahead, the Doc knew the poor little kitten wouldn’t survive unless he was rescued.  So he brought the cute gray male kitten with golden eyes to the office for treatment. It took a few weeks before Spaz was nursed back to good health by our wonderful technicians.  Spaz has been with us for about 3 years now.  Personality wise he is very friendly and active.  He loves to hang around, especially if you have food.

Both of them are very lucky to have attention all day long, food and shelter.

This month, share your adopted cat stories on our facebook page.

Pet Dental Tales from Gail in Fraser Michigan

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February is National Pet Dental Health Month.  So one month out of the year you pick up your pets’ lip and peek in to see if your pet has dental tartar on their teeth.  Yikes….they do….now what?  At Sharp Animal Hospital here’s what happens……..

You bring your pet in for a dental exam and have either Dr. Sharp or Dr. Malarney examine your pet.  The news is, you need to schedule an appointment for your pet to have a dental cleaning.  So you set one up!  The night before your pets dental procedure, you follow the instructions of no food or water after midnight.  The next morning your pet is admitted and the technicians prep your pet for a dental cleaning.  First they give a sedative injection, then they administer a drug called Isoflurane to put your dog under for digital dental x-rays and the cleaning procedure.  Next the doctor looks over the x-rays to determine what exactly needs to be done.  If there’s any additional dental work that needs to be done after the x-rays, you are quickly notified.  In the mean time a technician takes a before photo.

The cleaning gets under way with an instrument called an ultrasonic scaler.  The high frequency tip cleans below and above the gum line.  Water shoots out from the scaler instrument to cool the teeth during the cleaning process.  Before you know it, the scaler totally removes the excess tartar from your pets teeth.

The technician quickly takes an after photo before your pet awakens.  This whole procedure takes less than two hours, unless a few teeth need to be removed.

I’ve seen a lot of before and after photos and I can’t believe the amazing transformation.



In recovery, your pet is monitored while the anesthesia wears off.  Soon it’s time for you to pick up your furry friend.  Upon discharge you receive the before and after photo’s.  You will be astonished to see your pet’s pearly whites.

With all this said, my best advice would be, Don’t Wait Till February!!  Every month is Dental Month!!

A Memorial Day Patriotic Pet Contest in Fraser Michigan

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Sharp Animal Hospital is holding a Memorial Day Patriotic Pet Contest in honor of the brave men and women who have severed our country.

All entries must have something patriotic in the photo to be eligible to win.  To enter please submit your photo to our facebook page.

The contestant with the most likes will receive a $50.00 gift certificate to Sharp Animal Hospital for any service.

The contest will end on Tuesday May 29th 2012 at 12:00 p.m.  The winner will be announced on May 30th 2012.

Good Luck!