Illustrated Articles
Colostrum is given by mouth and is used over the counter to treat various immune-mediated and inflammatory conditions. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are uncommon and may include gastrointestinal upset in pets with a dairy allergy. There are no known contraindications. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.
Turtles may be affected by one of the following diseases: metabolic bone disease (MBD), vitamin A deficiency, respiratory diseases, abscesses, shell infections, shell fractures, and parasites. Improper diet, poor water filtration, and lack of UV light are contributing factors for many aquatic turtle diseases. Seek immediate veterinary care if your aquatic turtle shows any deviation from normal.
Turtles may be affected by any of the following conditions: metabolic bone disease (MBD), vitamin A deficiency, respiratory infections, abscesses, shell infections and fractures, and parasites. This article outlines typical signs and treatment for these common conditions. Seek immediate veterinary care if there is any deviation from normal in your pet turtle.
Common conditions of pet snakes include infectious stomatitis (mouth rot), parasites, skin infections, respiratory disease, septicemia, and viral diseases such as inclusion body disease (IBD). Signs may be specific for a certain disease or non-specific, such as lack of appetite and lethargy, which can be seen with many diseases. Any deviation from normal is a cause for concern and should be evaluated by your veterinarian as soon as possible. This handout outlines how to know your snake is sick and the treatments for common conditions.
Like other pets and people, mini-pigs can suffer from numerous health problems including inner/middle ear infections, foot abnormalities, atrophic rhinitis, pneumonia, intestinal parasites and obesity. Obesity can lead to joint injury and arthritis. Mini-pigs may ingest inappropriate items leading to gastrointestinal tract blockages. If blockages are not dealt with quickly intestinal rupture and death may occur.
Like other pets and people, mini-pigs may suffer from numerous health problems, including those associated with the urinary and reproductive tracts, eye health, melanoma, accidental poisoning, a bacterial disease called erysipelas, and an unusual disease called Dipity Pig.
There are several problems that can occur in aquatic turtles. This handout discusses the most noted problems: calculi, tissue prolapses, irregular shell growth, shell fractures or trauma, algae on the shell, skin and shell sloughing, Salmonella infection that can be passed to humans, dystocia, and hibernation.
Snakes have several unique problems and understanding these problems will allow you to better care for your pet and minimize future health care problems and concerns. This article outlines some of the most common problems.
The complete blood count (CBC) assesses different parameters of the cells in the blood including total number, appearance, size, and shape. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets comprise the cellular component of the blood.
Compulsive disorders are repetitive behaviors done so frequently that they interfere with a dog's daily life. Some behaviors performed compulsively can cause physical injury. Compulsive disorders may reflect underlying behavioral illness, medical illness, or a combination. Treatment programs should address the behavioral and medical causes. Some aspects of behavioral treatment may need to be continued for the life of the dog.